Kid's Page

We enjoy spending time with children and welcome them at the pottery.

Hand or Footprint

The most basic memento is the hand or footprint of a new baby stamped in wet clay. Jeff requests that you wait until your baby is about one, big enough to participate and not seem “breakable” but small enough to have feet or hands which fit on a small plate. We add the name and date to the plate or bowl on request and are willing and able to stamp the prints of multiple children on one piece. We have a print of the bone of the first trout caught by a daughter and have stamped construction debris in commemorative platters as well. To get the price, determine the size (9″ plate, for example) and look at “Pricelist” under “Inlaid”.

Baby Plates

We make baby plates. There is a form on this site which you can download for the family of the newborn to complete and mail to me or you can call me (707-942-0216). The amount of information on the plate is up to you. I am happy to paint any animal image which is naturalistic and depicts the whole animal, no heads on plates. I love sock monkeys and Teddy bears as well. You can send me your image as long as I get to object if I can’t do it justice.

Older Children

An older child who is making marks on paper or drawing is ready for the next project, making a drawing on a mug, plate, bowl or platter. We started doing this with our own children when they were making great drawings and we realized that paper curls and fades. We found a way to allow the child to draw on our pots so that we could then inlay their markings with a contrasting glaze.

I like to know the size and shape and color of the piece of pottery to be decorated before the child comes to create a piece of work. That way I can prep the piece and the child’s work is fresh.  Please call first to select shape and color. Again, check prices at “Pricelist” under “Inlaid” and colors under “Glazes” or stop by to choose. After you have chosen give me an hour or so to prep the chosen piece. I will give the child some direction and a magic marker and encourage them. Afterward I will carve out the lines drawn by the child, clean them down to the clay and inlay a contrasting glaze. They can be picked up at the pottery if you are local or shipped home after they are fired, which can take a few weeks.

We are happy to let kids watch Jeff throw (call to find out his schedule) and to show them the steps taken to make a pot out of raw clay.

If you are not actually a kid but would like to decorate a plate, call us. Sally does this all the time.

More Things to do in and around Calistoga

While there’s a lot to do in and around Calistoga finding things to do with children is not obvious. Visit our page about Things to do in Calistoga for some fresh ideas. If you like to check in on local artisans and producers, consider contacting one of our favorite Napa Valley Artisans.

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